Get a two for one benefit this year!

This year your sponsorship will actually be supporting two events occurring concurrently at Fullerton HS on November 3rd. 

Our Second Annual Pumpkin Run for reading to benefit Title One schools in Fullerton will be concluding inside the Fullerton Stadium the morning of the Jog-a-thon. Our Eigth Annual Jog-a-thon to Assist Youth in Need and Local Youth Clubs School Clubs also starts just after the 5K Pumpkin Run awards conclude. You will gain exposure to all the Fullerton students and the Fullerton community that comes out to participate in the 5K for the price of just one sponsorship.

Thanks to our sponsors:                                                                                                                                                                                      See last year's sponsors!

Diamond Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Very Special Acknowledgements and Thanks to:

Titanium Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

The Braddock Family

The Phelps Family

The Sandford Family Foundation

The J.H. Richy Foundation

Joe Arnold, Allan Bridgeford, MIke Chochran, Bob Jahncke, Dan Kiernan,

Jay Kremer, Bill Mathy, Bill Peloquin, Vimal Seth, Karen Xie, Young Kim. 

Fullerton Rotary Jog-A-Thon 2019: October 5th, 2019